November 28, 2021
I would be missing out a very great opportunity if I do not take the time to pause and discuss the tenth album by Jess Novak that was released in late 2021. This is more of a post of reflection.
The album holds a personal place in my life and in my heart. And I should share that with you.
I stumbled upon Jess Novak on Twitch almost two years ago to the date from when this post was written. The singer-songwriter took to Twitch as many musicians did during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The first song that I heard Jess Novak play was "Anchor".
This song came when I was at a very low point in my life while suffering a very depression. That moment when I heard the song being played on her Twitch live stream struck a very deep chord with me that it invoked great emotions from within. It changed my outlook on my personal life and allowed me to get the mental release that I had been looking for.
I decided to follow her live stream and the next time she went live, I requested that Novak play the song again. And from that point on, I have requested the song so much that on her Twitch live stream, playing the song has become a staple of the live stream. Two years later and barely a stream has gone by without that song being played. But for "A Thousand Lives", it was recorded and included on the album. A song that Novak admits, was just sitting on the shelf and essentially without a home until that moment of realization that it was so meaningful to someone.
Other tracks that a person should take note of would be "Apologies" & the title track "A Thousand Lives" as they have grown to become personal favorites of mine.
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