Wednesday, January 3, 2024



Once in a while, or even in a lifetime, you cross paths with someone who has the greatest influence, charm, character, and most importantly, talent.

Julie Jules is that example. 

After finding her on Twitch a number of years ago, Julie has now released her debut album. It is the collection of musical numbers that we all have been missing all of our lives, and now it is available!

Her vocals are nothing less than celestial. And if you pay close attention, you just might find a little bit of humor in her lyrics that washes over you in a way that melts away any ounce of bad day that you might be experiencing. 

Julie Jules is an undiscovered gem, and I hope that lots more people will find her music. I am fortunate and happy to have found her when I did.

"Dandelion" and "Ocean" are my absolute favorite tracks from the album. 

The album is unapologetic and sincere. You won't find any fluff on the album, just pure magic straight from the heart. 

Find Julie and her album here.